Over the past decade, GE/GMO Roundup Ready seeds have
created an abundance of super weeds that are resistant to Roundup.
Monsanto’s solution?
Roundup Ready PLUS.
Their Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System is pending regulatory
These seeds will combine the
Genuity Roundup Ready 2 Yield trait technology stacked with a trait that is
also tolerant to dicamba. As a double threat, the herbicide
sprayed on both weeds and crops will also combine glyphosate with dicamba.
This second generation
soybean will also be more aphid resistant.
The first seeds contained the Rag 1 gene but it was discovered that
aphids overcame that single gene resistance.
The solution? Stack the second generation seeds with more
resistant traits.
They are doing the
same with Root Rot resistant genes and traits.
Why keep putting a bigger band aid on the problem? Simply put, Monsanto is doing little more
than creating super weeds, super bugs and super disease.
But their “in-gene-uity”
knows no bounds. Why not genetically
engineer a soybean that has 60% less saturated fat and three times more monounsaturated fat. Yippee! Think of the
uses in food processing such soybeans
could provide. Oil blends for frying,
baking and processing will be sold to unkowledgable consumers as being more
Not only that, but Monsanto
is also working on creating a soybean seed that will contain Omega-3 fatty
acids. I suppose they will insert a
salmon gene? Maybe a salmon gene from
genetically engineered salmon?
Though the last two ideas sound promising, they are just
a smokescreen to cover the additional poisons that will be released into our
environment and into our food supply.
Remove the Roundup and dicamba and all the other herbicides and pesticides
and then we will think about supporting and endorsing your frankenseeds. Maybe.