Bovine Growth Hormone

Making Mega Milk Money the Monsanto Way
Can We Afford the Cost?

Unethical, Unconscionable, Reprehensible

Bovine Growth Hormone, also known as Bovine Somatrophin (BST), was Monsanto’s first transgenic medication.  It is yet another of their genetically manipulated travesties.  Monsanto developed this product from somatotropin, a natural hormone that is secreted by the pituitary glands of cows after calving to produce milk.  

The Big M introduced somatotropin into E. Coli which enabled them to produce BST on a large scale.  They named the transgenic hormone recombinant bovine somatotropin, or rBST for short.   rBGH is  recombinant bovine growth hormone and is found in the product Posilac.

Milk from rbGH-treated cows can increase risk of cancer and other diseases. 
Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone is injected into dairy cows in USA to increase milk production. Milk from treated cows has much higher levels of IGF-1, a hormone considered to be a high risk factor for breast, prostrate, colon, lung and other cancers. The milk also has lowered nutritional value, increased antibiotics and more pus from infected udders.
(Twenty five studies-Jeffrey Smith -Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1,SECTION 7 No. 1-25)

Milk from rbGH-treated cows is likely to increase the rate of twin births
Higher IGF-1 levels increase the rate of twin births. Since milk drinkers increase their IGF-1, correspondingly they have higher twinning rates. The number of twins grew at twice the rate in USA compared to UK where rbGH is banned.
(Fourteen studies--Jeffrey Smith --Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1, SECTION 7 No. 26-39)
The Cash Cow: When Monsanto Makes $ Everyone and Everything Suffers
 Both cows and humans produce the IGF-1 growth hormone and its function will stimulate the proliferation of cells, causing organisms to grow. The insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, also known as tissue growth factor, is produced by the liver. Monsanto claimed that since humans and cows both produce IGF-1, it is natural and safe.  What they failed to mention was that the level of IGF-1 is up to 75% higher in the milk of cows treated with transgenic growth hormone than in natural milk.  
The FDA, with tainted information fed to them by Monsanto, claimed that rBGH is biologically and orally inactive in humans because it cannot be absorbed in the blood and that it would be degraded in the human gastrointestinal tract in the same manner as other proteins.   This claim has been proven completely false.  Studies confirmed that IGF-1 is not destroyed in digestion because it is protected by casein, the principal protein in milk.

An elevated level of IGF-1 in humans can cause a disorder known as giantism.  Those affected often have a very short lifespan.  Elevated IGF-1 levels also substantially increase the risk for breast, colon and prostate cancer.  America has seen a significant increase in breast cancer.  Women who consume non-organic dairy products every day are more likely to give birth to twins and the rate of twins has indeed increased.

One scientist who made an unannounced visit to a Monsanto laboratory that was analyzing the effect of the hormone on cow tissues and organs discovered that the kidneys in some test animals had disappeared!  The organs and glands of the injected animals had larger thyroid, liver, heart, kidneys, ovaries, etc. than the control group but the total weight of these cows, when slaughtered, was significantly lower.  

BST injections to increase milk production are given to cows twice a week.  They often develop mastitis caused by the BST injections which is extremely painful to the animals.  The increase of white blood cells means there is pus in the milk.  To counter that problem, the cows are treated with strong antibiotics like gentamicin and tetracycline that are not approved for the treatment of mastitis in dairy cattle.  They all end up in industrial non-organic milk.

No wonder antibiotic resistance has increased dramatically!  Tuberculosis cases have also increased.  More and more hospital patients die each year due to antibiotic resistant bacteria  known as Super Bugs.  MRSA   is common.  Now we have CRE  - Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae which will kill up to half the patients that become infected. Some Enterobacteriaceae have become resistant to all or almost all antibiotics, including last-resort drugs known as carbapenem.

Adding Insult to Injury
Ironically, even before the introduction of Monsanto’s transgenic cow hormones, the American government was paying farmers to slaughter their cows because we had been overproducing milk for a quarter century. Milk surpluses annually cost the federal budget the tidy sum of $2 billion.  There was no need to create increased milk production in the first place.

Much of the information we have now came from a top secret document from Monsanto that fell into the hands of an investigative journalist.  The company threatened to attack the journalist and the publication for plagiarism.  They argued that when you take someone else’s (referring to the corporation as a person) data and you submit it without putting their names on it, it is plagiarism.  Consider your name put on the expose then.  Did you really think you could keep the magnitude of your greed and ruthlessness secret forever?

Looters, Inc.
After much political wrangling and insider maneuvering instigated by Monsanto, on November 5, 1993, the FDA approved the marketing of Posilac under the trade name of rBGH.  The directions for use had to indicate that the product could produce twenty-two side effects in cows. Among them were reduced fertility, ovarian cysts and uterine disorder, a reduction in gestation time and in the weight of calves, a higher rate of twins, an increase in mastitis, and abscesses of one to two inches and sometimes as much as four inches at injection sites. 

rBGH is not purchased in veterinary pharmacies but is ordered directly from Monsanto on a toll-free number.   Nevertheless, veterinarians promoted the product before it was even approved.  Monsanto offered a $300 bonus to every vet who persuaded a farmer to use it.  Monsanto held promotional banquets in all the dairy states and distributed its propaganda about their “great new product.”

To be able to get the hormone, a farmer would have to sign a contract that included a confidentiality clause in case there was a problem.  That Monsanto - always thinking ahead.  Farmers have been sued by Monsanto because they spoke publicly about their experiences.  Farmers told how they saw their cows grow thinner and thinner on a daily basis.  Numerous inseminations would fail time after time.  Many cows had to be slaughtered after one season of using Monsanto’s products and many farmers went broke.  When cows did give birth, the calves were often deformed.  Some had legs above their heads or external stomachs.  Since rBGH is a powerful drug, cows would collapse if injections were stopped.   
Cruel, immoral, unfathomable. There are not enough words to convey the devastation to all forms of life caused by this multinational tyrannical corporation.

Conflict of Interest does work.  Due to a collaborative effort, the Guidance on Voluntary Labeling of Milk and Milk Products from Cows That Have Not Been Treated with Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin was created.  The purpose of this document was to prevent “false or misleading claims” (in Orwell’s doublespeak – this really means The Truth) regarding rBST.   Unbelievable!

At the same time, the FDA did not require milk producers who used the transgenic growth hormone to inform cooperatives or distributors of dairy products.  Monsanto ready cow’s milk was mixed with natural milk with no warnings, no notices or accurate labels – nothing.  Unsuspecting consumers have drunk untold gallons of this health-altering stuff for years and are still doing so.

The “Guidance”  stated that no significant difference was shown between milk derived from rBST-treated and non-rBST treated cows.  How do these people sleep at night?  

Keep in mind that this is just one harmful product that Monsanto was able to escort through the sham regulatory process that now exists.  When ethical scientists and regulators discovered the loopholes and bad science submitted by Monsanto and demanded more testing that adhered to proper scientific protocols, they were fired.

Margaret Miller  was a former Monsanto employee who had become a deputy director in the FDA Division of Toxicology, Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation in the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).  She and other pro-hormone milk pushers wrote the FDA’s opinion on why milk from BST treated cows should not be labeled.   Dr. Miller had been a researcher on BST for Monsanto before being strategically placed in the FDA.

She was well aware that test herds consisted of several hundred cows penned in straight rows. The animals never went outside and were fed entirely with food supplements and genetically modified (GM) soy and meal. It was operated like a factory farm and employed low-paid workers that were easily exploitable.  Furthermore, Monsanto took certain American experimental herds and placed them in the food chain even before the GE hormone had been approved.

Michael Taylor who was then FDA deputy commissioner for policy, approved and signed the Guidance document. Prior to joining the FDA, Taylor was an attorney who represented Monsanto, and he later worked for Monsanto after leaving the FDA. 

Who put the MON in MONOPOLY???
Many non-GE milk producers have felt the wrath of Monsanto’s legal team.  These are but a few cases. SwissValley Farms , a dairy cooperative in Davenport, Iowa, informed its 2,500 members that it would not buy their milk if they used rBGH. Oakhurst Dairy Inc., the largest dairy company in northern New England, also found itself in court. This family business had sharply increased sales ($85 million) by labeling its products with the statement: “Our Farmers Pledge: No Artificial Growth Hormones Used.” Tillamook County Creamery Association, one of America’s largest cheese producers, was also targeted by Monsanto’s well paid legal team. In the face of growing demand from its customers to supply natural milk, the dairy cooperative had asked its 147 members to stop using the transgenic hormone. 

What Fair Market?
To this day, Monsanto is still fighting organic milk producers' right to label their product truthfully as rBST-free and rBGH-free.  Monsanto has sent letters to the FDA and Federal Trade Commission claiming such non-GMO dairies use “false and deceptive” advertising.”  Monsanto further urged federal agencies to crack down on such practices and they have done just that.  Just because Monsanto said so.

Federal Agents?!?  Swat Teams?!?  Raw milk producers treated like hard core criminals and terrorists?!?  Sadly, in today’s America, these injustices and thousands more occur daily.

Jan. 2013. Morningstar Dairy Raid Video If you have not seen this video, please take some time to do so.

Buy Non-Monsanto Milk: It Does a Body Good!