Round Up

Monsanto is a black magician that  mixes a little truth with many lies.  Either way, it is poison.

It's not the glyphosate in Roundup that is the problem, it is the additives that allow the glyphosate to penetrate tissues. Pure glyphosate has no use, not even as a herbicide.  Monsanto's "scientific tests" were done on glyphosate - not the entire mixture which is RoundUp.  That is why they marketed the product as being safe and biodegradable.  In fact, part of the RoundUp biodegration involves AMPA which has a long half life.  Even after 28 days, only 2% of RoundUp breaks down.

Polyethoxylated tallowamine, a surficant additive in RoundUp is acutely toxic and that fact has been confirmed by many accurate scientific studies. It asphyxiates cells.

Nevertheless, for all intents and purposes, RoundUp is a carcinogen and an endocrine disrupter.

RoundUp promotes faulty cell division and instability in genes.

City workers who have sprayed RoundUp change boots every two months because the rubber is eaten away by this herbicide.
Normally, a process of repair or the natural death of the defective cell, known as apoptosis,  is automatically initiated. But a cell sometimes avoids the alternative [death or repair], because the point that controls damage to the DNA is affected. It is precisely this checkpoint that is damaged by Roundup.

RoundUp has been found to have the following two properties:
Teratogenic or Eratogenic - Causes birth defects
Mutagenic  -  Causes permanent and inheritable changes in the DNA of subjects exposed, both plant and animal

Epidemiological studies done in Canada indicated that there were more miscarriages and premature births among farm families using RoundUp than in the general population. 

A Texas Tech University laboratory likewise established that exposure of the Leydig cells in the testicles, which play a major role in the male reproductive system. RoundUp reduced their production of sex hormones by 94 percent. 

Brazilian researchers found that female rats that were pregnant when exposed to Roundup were more likely to produce offspring with skeletal malformations.

Tests were done whereby cells  were placed in solutions of Roundup with concentrations from 0.001 percent up to the amount used in farming - RoundUp diluted to 1 or 2 percent.  Exposure times were varied to determine at what point the herbicide demonstrated "cellular respiration".  RoundUp literally killed human placental cells within a few hours even when it was within regulatory limits such as residual levels in food products like transgenic plants.  Embryonic cells where even more sensitive.

It is estimated that 2.5 million tons of such chemicals are sprayed on the earth.  0.3 percent make contact with the target organisms while the rest are discharged into the environment -- soil, water, wind.

The immediate signs of poisoning are the same: eye irritation, vision problems, headaches, skin lesions and irritation, nausea, dry throat, asthma, respiratory difficulties, nosebleeds, and dizziness. Some countries use up to five times as much herbicide for aerial application than is recognized as safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  

After an area has been sprayed with Roundup, people and pets (such as cats and dogs) should stay out of the area until it is thoroughly dry. It has been recommend that grazing animals such as horses, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, tortoises and fowl remain out of the treated area for two weeks. 

In 1958, the Delaney amendment  provided that if a product presented the slightest carcinogenic risk, it could not be approved.  The FDA does not conduct toxicological studies, such as animal testing, but merely examines the data supplied by manufacturers.  What?!?!?

The Illusion of Safety
Monsanto wanted the appearance of regulation. They fully realized they had tarnished their credibility after the PCB and Agent Orange scandals.  They knew that if they told the public that GMO products were safe, no one would believe their lie. The multinational company wanted our federal agencies, primarily the FDA, to be the ones to say that the products were safe. If a problem arose, it would be able to say:  "The FDA has established that GMOs do not pose a health risk."

The process of Genetic Engineering results into wide spread mutations--in the transgene--in the neighboring DNA and in other areas of genome. These mutations are far greater than previously thought. These mutations can lead to generation of new toxins, allergies and altered nutritional values. The arguments of GM advocates that the technology is precise, predictable and safe has now been disproved.

Mice fed on Roundup Ready GM Soya showed Liver Damage:
The liver cells of mice fed on GM Roundup Ready Soya in USA showed microscopic signs of toxic liver (damage which disappeared after GM Soya was stopped.
(M. Malatesta, C. Caporaloni, S. Gavasaudan .... ," Ultrastructural Morphological and Immunocytochemical Analysis of Hepatocyte Nuclear Modifications in Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," Cell Struct. Funct. 27 (2002): 173-180)

Mice fed on GM Roundup Ready Soya showed Pancreatic Damage:
Mice fed on GM Roundup Ready Soya showed changes in synthesis and processing of digestive enzymes. Production of alpha-amylase, a major digestive enzyme dropped by 77%.
(M. Malatesta, et. al.," Ultrastructural Analysis of Pancreatic Acinar Cells from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," Cell Struct. Funct. 27 (2002): 409 )

Mice fed on Roundup Ready GM Soya showed changes in testicular cells :
( S.S Guraya, Biology of Spermatogenesis and Spermatozoa in Mammals ( Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, 1987),
( L. Vecchio et. al. Ultrastructural Analysis of Testes from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean," European Journal of Histochemistry 48, no. 4 ( Oct.-Dec. 2004) 449-454 )

Roundup Ready GM Soya changed cell metabolism in rabbit organs :
Rabbits fed on GM Soya for about 40 days showed significant differences in amounts of certain enzymes in their kidneys, hearts and liver. A rise in LDH 1 levels in all three organs suggest an increase in cellular metabolism. Changes in other enzymes point to other alterations in the organs.
( Tudisco et al, " Genetically Modified Soya Bean in Rabbit Feeding, Detection of DNA Fragments and Evaluation of Metabolic Effects by Enzymatic Analysis, 193-199 )

Most offspring of rats fed on  Roundup Ready GM Soya died within three weeks :
A study by Russian Academy of Sciences in 2005. female rats were fed Roundup Ready GM Soya starting before conception and pregnancy. 55.6% off springs died within three weeks compared to 9% in non-GM Soya controls. Some from GM group were significantly smaller than non-GM group. Both mothers and pups were more aggressive. When offsprings from GM group were mated together, they did not conceive.
( I.V.Irmakova, "Diet with the Soya Modified by Gene EPSPS CP4 Leads to Anxiety and Aggression in Rats," 14th Europian Congress of Psychiatry. Nice, France, March 4-8, 2006. )
 ( Irina Irmakova," Genetically Modified Soya leads to decrease of weight and high mortality of rat pups of the first generation. Preliminary Studies," Ecosinform 1 (2006) 4-9.
 ( I.V.Irmakova, " Genetically Modified Organisms and Biological Risks," Proceedings of International Disaster Reduction Conference (IDRC), Davos, Switzerland August 27th-September 1st, 2006: 168-172. ( I.V.Irmakova, "GMO: Life itself intervened into the experiments," Letter, EcosInform N2 (2006): 3-4.
Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
" Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov and his colleagues set out to discover if Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. What he discovered may uproot a multi-billion dollar industry. After feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups. And if this isn't shocking enough, some in the third generation even had hair growing inside their mouths—a phenomenon rarely seen, but apparently more prevalent among hamsters eating GM soy. The study, jointly conducted by Surov's Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Association for Gene Security, is expected to be published in three months (July 2010)—so the technical details will have to wait. But Surov sketched out the basic set up for me in an email--- Jeffery Smith

Rats fed on Roundup Ready Canola had heavier livers :
The livers of rats fed on GM Canola were12-16% heavier than those fed on Non-GM Canola. Liver is a chemical factory and primary detoxifier for the body. Heavier liver may indicate liver disease or inflammation.
( Comments to ANZFA about Applications A346, A362 and A363 from the Food Legislation and regulation Advisory Group (FLRAG) of the Public Health Association of Australia ( PHAA ) on behalf of the PHAA, "Food produced from glyphosate-tolerant canola line GT73, " )

GM crops are becoming part of the ecosystem. If toxins are used or produced in the process of GM crop production they are bound to accumulate in the environment, food chain and human tissues.

Glufosinate-tolerant crops may produce herbicide inside our intestines :
Some crops are engineered to withstand glufosinate-based herbicide. The herbicide tolerant GM crops transform the herbicide into a compound regarded as nontoxic, called NAG, which remains in the plant. Once humans or animals consume NAG, gut bacteria can revert some NAG back into toxic herbicide. The herbicide has known toxic effects-act as an antibiotic and may kill off or disturb gut micro-flora. If the herbicide-tolerant gene transfers to gut bacteria, it could magnify the problems.
 (Twenty three studies-Jeffrey Smith-Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1,SECTION 6 No.1-23)

Herbicide-tolerant crops increase herbicide use and residues in food :
Herbicide-tolerant crops increase the use of their associated herbicides. Increased herbicide residues in crops can promote the toxic effects of these chemicals on humans, animals and their offspring. Increased herbicide use can also alter nutrient content-such as flavonoids, making GM foods less nutritious. The accelerated emergence of herbicide resistant weeds has resulted in the increased use of even more toxic varieties of herbicides.
(Twenty four studies-Jeffrey Smith -Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1,SECTION 6 No.23-48)

Tiny amounts of herbicide may act as endocrine disruptors :
Certain chemicals may disrupt endocrine function at extremely low concentrations. Research on Roundup suggests it may be such a chemical, disrupting endocrine activity related to human sex hormone production. The increased use of Liberty and Roundup, due to GM crops, may expose the population through food and water to these low-dose effects.
(Five studies--Jeffrey Smith --Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1, SECTION 6 No. 49-53)
GM crops may accumulate environmental toxins or concentrate toxins in milk and meat of GM fed animals :
FDA scientists warned that GM crops may concentrate toxins, such as heavy metals and herbicides, from the environment. There is evidence of heavy metals in GM soybean oil. FDA scientists also said that toxins in GM feed might concentrate in milk or meat. GM DNA fragments were found in milk. Small amounts of Roundup may be retained in the body of animals and affect sperm quality. The overuse of Roundup and Liberty herbicides on GM crops magnifies these types of risks. Many scientific studies indicate  that these herbicides are even worse than DDT. Roundup, can accumulate and persist in the soil for years, where it kills off beneficial microbes and stimulates virulence of pathogens
(Fifteen studies--Jeffrey Smith --Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1, SECTION 6 No. 54-68)

Disease-resistant crops may promote new plant viruses, which carry risks for humans :
Virus-resistant transgenes protect crops from one target virus, but may increase susceptibility to other plant viruses. Infected plants put humans at risk due to increased pesticide use. They may also lead to increased consumption of potentially harmful viral proteins.
(Eleven studies--Jeffrey Smith --Genetic Roulette-bibliography-PART-1, SECTION 6 No. 69-79)

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