Monday, December 15, 2014

Indoctrinating the Next Generation

Planting the Seeds of Deception

“The powers that be” are clever  – no doubt about that.  It is a master plan carried on from generation to generation by the ruling elite.  With age comes wisdom and by the time people wake up and see reality for what it is, they will soon move on (death).  Some people stay drunk on the Kool-aid and never wake up.  The “awakened” only represent a minority percentage of the earth’s population and so change, if any, takes generations.

Explaining the millions of ways our perceptions are shaped and controlled can fill libraries.   Here’s how Monsanto does it via monies in their Monsanto Fund, EIN 43-6044736.  Their tentacles of propaganda spread far and wide.

Numerous donations to public schools for such things as aquaculture and hydroponics, commercial greenhouse learning lab, iPads to enhance math and Science, agriculture in the classroom, Teach for America, the James Hutton Institute/Scottish Crop Research Institute, Garden of Hope, photovoltaic technology, genomic studies on cash crops, the science of farm to school, enhancing school forest utilization, improving water quality, school managed nutrition, Going Green with Green and so many more – a total of 46 pages worth of donations from 2012 alone - worth over $18 million dollars of undue influence.  Find the 990s and take a look at them.

The following is from the Monsanto Fund’s “America’s Farmers Grow” website:

America’s Farmers Grow Communities, America’s Farmers Grow AG Leaders, America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education and even an America’s Farmers Mom of the Year
Subsections include Meet the Families, Learn about Farming, Recognition Programs and the Farm Blog

According to Monsanto;  “Since 1964, the Monsanto Fund has worked to substantially and meaningfully improve people’s lives.”

This is blatant self-promotion in the smarmiest way possible. This corporate propaganda machine boggles the mind.  Are they so deluded to really believe what they write?  It is said a good con artist repeats a lie so often they almost believe it themselves.  

The website is a carefully crafted shop front window that showcases the image that Monsanto wants us to see and believe.  Look behind the store – in the dirty allies where the trash is kept if you want to see the entire picture.

It is no wonder that school age children parrot back what they have been taught in public schools – that Monsanto means “less bugs and more crops.” 

In reality, Monsanto means less bees and other insect pollinators, soil rendered infertile by too many chemicals, crops that have been genetically engineered in such a way that they impact our own health and spies that infiltrate the farm communities and use pressure to keep farmers marching with the party line.

Monsanto means big business, big money and big power.  Monsanto means doing everything and anything to further that agenda, i.e. more money and more power.  Monsanto means wanting to control all the seeds on earth and all the food that is produced from them.  They are megalomaniacs.

According to  their Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and Roots and Shoots blog:

"Our Mission: Improve the Human Condition through Plant Science

Feed the hungry and improve human health

Preserve and renew our environment

Enhance the St. Louis region as a world center for plant science”

How are they improving the human condition!?!  How are they preserving and renewing our environment?!?  By driving farmers to commit suicide because they’ve gone deeply in debt buying Monsanto seeds and pesticides with the idea of creating better yields?  By spraying fields in South America even if people are in them?  By suing farmers whose crops were accidentally cross-pollinated with their GE seed? By polluting the planet and destroying the health of people for generations to come?

Here’s another Monsanto Slogan:

"Food, Health and Hope"

I say, “Let’s hope that we can return to non-Roundup Ready food and regain our health!!!”

It is shameful for Monsanto to dole out their Kool-aid to school children and the people who sleep among us.  The harsh truth of what they do is hard to swallow – even for world-weary adults.  Start by reading this blog. Read through the legal cases on the link at the top of this page.  Read about Roundup and GMO research.

Search for all the books written about Monsanto, GMO/GE crops and Big Farma and processed food production.  The internet has vast information about these topics as well.  There is science to back up the problems with GE food.  There are health statistics that tell us something is very wrong.

We have the information available and we must take the education of our children and that of future generations back into our own hands.

Knowledge is power.  Never stop learning. Wake up!!!

Further Reading

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