(Note: I am posting this excellent article via a mutual friend. The paper focuses on the best food to feed racing pigeons but the same principle applies to all aviculturists, animal breeders, keepers and owners.)
From a Chick’s Point of View
T Berokoff
You are what you eat!
The title of this article comes from the original French
quote by Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a French doctor in 1826. His original quote was actually, “tell me
what you eat and I shall tell you what you are.”
I found myself
investigating a topic (genetically modified food) that seemed irrelevant to the
sport of pigeon racing, but as I expanded my research, I came to believe there
is a connection in my research to our pigeons.
Definitely, the quote applies.
Let me explain. Over the last few
years there’s been much discussion about the increase of loss of birds. Most of
us attribute the losses to a protected raptor population, cell phone towers,
increased electronic interference and the like.
After doing extensive research I have another theory I want to put
before you. This article is going to
explain why I believe the changes I’ve noticed about our pigeons may be caused
by something other than the hawks and the aforementioned explanations. The loss of our pigeons’ homing instincts is
of great concern to me. As I began
learning more about genetically modified foods, the reality of the dangers of
them to our pigeons began to sink in, specifically the losses we seem to be
experiencing more and more. I believe
our pigeons are what they are because of what they eat.
I want to give some background into what exactly are GMOs
and why many people are deciding to forego eating them, farmers are fighting
against them, and studies are showing they are not only harmful to us, but to
our animals. To begin, let’s start with
some basic information about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).
GMOs “are plants or animals that have been genetically
engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from
different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding. Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered
to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an
insecticide. Despite biotech industry
promises, none of the GMO traits currently on the market offer increased yield,
drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other consumer benefit. Meanwhile, a growing body of evidence
connects GMOs with health problems, environmental damage and violation of farmers’
and consumers’ rights” (the nongmoproject.org).
According to a 2014 pro-con discussion about GMOs on
Americaradioworks.org, “genetic engineering is fundamentally different from
traditional methods of plant and animal breeding because it crosses biological
barriers, transferring genes from one species to another.”
Additionally, in a report from May 11, 2012, from
Examiner.com “original DNA of an organism is designed to reject foreign bodies,
so in order to convince the host to accept this parasitic DNA, they use other
DNA from things like E Coli virus and other bacteria to transfer a new DNA
packet into the host plant, tricking the host into accepting it. By splicing even one gene in, you’re
introducing a whole ton of other uncontrolled unknown traits into the host
plant, and therefore into the food.”
Lastly, from modernghana.com in a report dated August 27,
2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that GMOS are “organisms in
which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does not
occur naturally. A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the end product of a
fusion of genes from different species to create one or more desired traits or
features. The process is also known as
Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM).”
So, why is it important to us? Because the feed we are buying and feeding
our pigeons is GMO unless we are purchasing organic or non-GMO feed. And because we are giving our pigeons this
feed, we may be subjecting them to all the harmful effects GMOs can cause.
Of interest to me is that GMOs are increasingly spoken of
in terms of “safe” by the FDA. Who in
the FDA is pronouncing them “safe”?
Michael Taylor. So, who is
Michael Taylor? In 1976 Taylor, became a
staff attorney for the FDA. In 1981 he
became the attorney for the biotechnology company, Monsanto, where he
established and headed the department on food and drug laws. In 1988 he wrote a paper stating that if a
carcinogen was present at low levels in a food, the risk was minimal and should
be allowed on the market which gave Monsanto financial benefits. From 1996 to 2000 he was Vice President for
Public Policy for Monsanto. In 2009 he
served as Senior Advisor to the FDA Commissioner and in 2010, he was appointed
by Obama to the newly created post of Deputy Commissioner for Foods. The connection is that Taylor has worked for
and promoted Monsanto’s policies of biotechnology regarding our foods and now
oversees our food, telling us what is safe.
Yet, as I continued unearthing information about GMOs, I found they were
anything but safe. In fact, weighing the
pros versus the cons of GMOs, the negatives far exceeded the positives.
Monsanto, Syngenta, the Rockefeller Foundation and the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are involved in the production, patenting
and financing of these seeds and are the ones who benefit from the sale of GM
Is Monsanto looking out for us, or for their profit? Are we receiving benefits from purchasing
their product or are we placing ourselves and our birds at risk?
Seeds, such as corn, are sold “Roundup Ready” meaning
Roundup weed killer is genetically inserted into the seed. When these seeds are planted and weeds crop
up around them, the fields can be sprayed with more weed killer which kills the
weeds, but will not kill the plant as it already has it in it. The main ingredient in Roundup weed killer is
glyphosate. In fact, glyphosate is the
main ingredient in most all weed killers.
Though we use very little weed killer on our property, we do use it in
areas by the road. In checking our
brand, I discovered the first ingredient listed was glyphosate! Needless to say, we no longer have the
Another step in the genetic engineering is the use of BT
(Bacillus thuringiensis) , a bacterium taken out of the soil. Farmers use BT because it is a natural
bacterium they can spray on their plants.
The EPA claims that BT is safe for human consumption because it has a”
history of safe use”. But, I found from Seeds of Deception a report from India
where the village people allowed their animals to graze on cotton plants for
about 8 years and experienced no problems.
Once the BT toxin was sprayed on the plants and the animals were allowed
to graze again on the cotton plants, all the animals died.
Let’s take a look at glyphosate. The ingredient in Roundup weed killer and
what is genetically spliced into seeds by Monsanto, according to the National
Pesticide Information Center, is glyphosate, “a non-selective systemic herbicide that is
applied directly to plant foliage. It
was first reported as a herbicide in 1971 and registered for use by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) in 1974. Some plants are genetically modified to be
resistant to glyphosate. Examples are
corn, cotton and canola. “
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine was the
organization that identified Gulf War Syndrome and food allergies and chemical
sensitivity, and as far back as 2009 began to state that all doctors should
prescribe non-GMO diets to all patients.
They said, and I will quote them here, “animal feeding studies have
causally linked GMOs to things like infertility, immune system problems,
accelerated aging, vital organ damage, gastrointestinal problems and
dysregulation of cholesterol and insulin.”
The FDA allows Monsanto to do its own testing, conduct no human testing,
and no long term testing of their genetically modified organisms and simply submit their results for automatic
approval by the FDA is questionable. In
fact, the only studies that have been submitted have been conducted by independent
laboratories and medical facilities.
I found another article from the BioTech InfoNet
Technical Paper, October, 2004, that reports that “G (glyphosate) is the active
ingredient utilized in nearly 75% of all edible GM (genetically modified)
plants that have been engineered to tolerate high levels of this form of G (the
roundup ready plants).” The increased
use of herbicides to kill the weeds has created super-weeds, meaning more
herbicide is needed to kill the weeds and in increasingly more potent
mixtures. To quote again from the BioTech,
“there has been a more than 1900% increase in G use on Roundup Ready soybeans
from 1994 to 2006.” It is not a typing error,
it is 1900%. One of the closing statements from this article is pertinent not
only to us, but to our pigeons. “The
researchers concluded that, the proprietary mixtures available on the market
could cause cell damage and even death around residual levels to be expected,
especially in food and feed derived from Roundup formulation-treated
crops.” This information is not to be
taken lightly when you realize that according to Jeffrey Smith, in his book Seeds of Deception, points out that “85%
of the corn in the United States is genetically engineered either to produce an
insecticide or survive applications of herbicide and about 91% to 93% of the
soybean crop is genetically engineered not to die when sprayed with Round Up
herbicides.” With no labeling on these
products we are being kept uninformed as to the potential dangers GMOs are
presenting to our pigeons.
As you may know, we encourage ravens to nest on our
property to help us combat the problems of hawks attacking our pigeons when we
loft fly them. The ravens are vigilant
in keeping the hawks at bay while our birds fly. To help keep them on the property we keep our
raven feeder filled with left over pigeon feed and fresh water. I have noticed over the last year that the
ravens, doves, blue jays and other birds that frequent the feeder do not eat
the corn. I tried not putting any new
feed into the feeders, leaving only the corn, thinking that with nothing else
available the corn would be eaten. It
wasn’t. They simply came for the water
and left. Sometimes at night we have
squirrels that visit the feeder and eat whatever scraps remain. When the corn was the only thing that
remained, even the squirrels wouldn’t eat it.
Another thing I noticed was that when I gave my chickens
the left over pigeon feed, they too would not eat the corn. I bought pigeon pellets for them, thinking
the extra protein would be good for egg laying benefits. The chickens do not like the pellets
either. I turned once again to the
internet and found an article that addressed pigeon pellets and corn. Here’s the answer Kathy Miller on answers.com
provides to the question, “anyone ever try B-meg pigeon pellets and found their
pigeons and chickens didn’t want to eat them?
They are cheap, but my pigeons seem to dislike them more than my
chickens, who only eat them if there is no other choice and they are
Answer: “Pigeon food has a lot of corn in it. They don’t like corn that much anyway and if it is GMO corn, well, no animal is dumb enough to eat that, except the cows and such. I open a can of corn, all I have to do to see if my cats will eat it. If they do not it is GMO. Then I tried to give it to the stray dogs. They would not eat it either. I laid it in the yard and even the coons and possums didn’t touch it. The birds didn’t eat it. It just stayed there!” Are the birds and chickens telling us to stay away from a product we seem convinced they must have, or are they just not eating the corn because they can smell the poisons it contains?
Answer: “Pigeon food has a lot of corn in it. They don’t like corn that much anyway and if it is GMO corn, well, no animal is dumb enough to eat that, except the cows and such. I open a can of corn, all I have to do to see if my cats will eat it. If they do not it is GMO. Then I tried to give it to the stray dogs. They would not eat it either. I laid it in the yard and even the coons and possums didn’t touch it. The birds didn’t eat it. It just stayed there!” Are the birds and chickens telling us to stay away from a product we seem convinced they must have, or are they just not eating the corn because they can smell the poisons it contains?
When reading the pigeon forum the topic of genetically
modified organism was being discussed.
Posted on April 19, 2013, the question was “is the feed I am giving my
birds genuinely free from GMOs? Is this
a concern for you or not? Are there any
indications/labels on your feed stating that it is GMO free? I think that crops containing built-in
insecticides are bound to detrimentally affect the performance of racing
pigeons and if left unchecked it will eventually affect the entire sport
worldwide. Imagine having to feed your
pigeons GMO feed over a long period of time.
Monsanto’s actions are designed to maximize its corporate profits, not
to serve the people. Its entire
seed-and-herbicide business model is designed to trap farmers in a system of
economic dependence – to turn farmers into indentured servants who can never
return to traditional farming after the soil has been destroyed by
This was something I had been thinking about as I went
further in my research; whether or not
the performance of our birds is being affected by what we are feeding
The answer to the question above, posted on the forum
later the same day reads, “I have given it a lot of thought. When young birds came out I found that 80% of
the grain coming into the UK is GM grain and it is in almost every type of
pigeon feed and the bread we are eating just now. I know a lot of farmers are now refusing to
use it so they must be having problems with it.
A professor at Aberdeen University discovered that feeding GM corn to
rats made their hair fall out and break out in large sores all over their
body. He said in his report that in his
opinion when the rats were fed GM corn their immune system collapsed. The government shut him up. This was the man that told the government
that mad cow could transfer to humans.
The government rubbished his claim and look what happened over
there! Food for thought, guys.”
Another post dated August 15, 2013, “three neonicotinoid
pesticides which affect bees homing instinct are now banned by EC for two years
pending further investigation. The BBC
TV ran a program around 10 days ago with clips of the experiment with
radio-tagged bees getting lost in a journey of only a few hundred yards.”
And finally, another post from August 15, 2013, “ I found
out 8 years ago we are already feeding GMO grains to our birds. It’s in all our feed, just ask your
I never thought about what our feed was comprised of, I
just knew whether it was a particular brand and what the percentage of protein
it contained. Now, I wanted to know,
what had we been buying? It’s all “after
the fact” but, I have to keep telling myself, better late than never. I called six suppliers here in California who
told me their feed stores carry GM grains for pigeons as there is no demand for
it to be otherwise. On the other hand, I
found a store in Washington State called Scratch and Peck, and in conversation
with them, they told me that they are non-GMO certified. On their website I put my zip code in and did
a search for stores within a 100 mile radius that carried their feed and found
a store. The store I found delivers the
feed to its customers within 20-30 miles of their homes to encourage continued
business with them. We are very excited
to learn this and next month our first order of non-GMO feed arrives. In the meantime we are purchasing organic
popcorn from an organic supply house.
This section was the one I found most interesting because
these studies of honey bees found evidence to link the use of GMOs to the loss
of homing instincts of bees.
Unfortunately, I could not find any studies on homing pigeons. The research that was done with honey bees,
who also have the inborn trait of homing, are applicable to our pigeons’ inborn
homing instinct. It is widely reported
honey bees are disappearing in massive numbers.
Though many things might be contributing to this, I think there may be a
link between pesticides and the disappearance.
“Are honey bees the canary in the coal mine? What are honey bees trying to tell us that we
humans should be paying more attention to?
(Jerry Hayes, Florida Dept. of Agriculture.)
An article from the Prairie Advocate, July, 2012, tells
the story of how Terrence Ingram’s bees and hives wound up being taken by the
Illinois State Department of Agriculture.
Ingram had an ongoing study, in fact over 15 years, on Monsanto’s
Roundup and his documented evidence that Roundup kills bees. Interestingly, the state stole the queen bee
and the hive he’d been using to conduct his research. While Ingram was off his property, the
Department came onto his property and stole his bees and his research. In his studies, Ingram claimed that 250 of
his colonies had been killed off over the years by Monsanto’s broad-spectrum
herbicide, used in large quantities on both conventional and genetically
engineered crops. His research also
showed that Roundup can lead to what’s called chilled brood. He explains that chilled brood is when
“Roundup kills the adult bees there are not enough bees left in the hive to
keep the young bees (brood) warm, and the young bees die from the cold (chilled
A dwindling bee colony is a serious problem. The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
estimates that without bees to act as pollinators, “the United States alone
could lose $15 billion worth of crops.”
A study by the journal Insect Conservation and Diversity from March, 2012, supported
earlier studies by the University of Minnesota in 2011, that “pollen from corn
that was genetically modified to produce its own insecticide caused high
mortality rates in monarch butterfly caterpillars and believe the dramatically
decreasing populations of bees both in the United States and abroad are
directly related to genetically engineered plants and their pollen too. “
Multiple studies and results reported in
organic consumers.org, January, 2008, discussed the declining honey bee, the
increased use of GMOs and pesticide usage. The ones that were of importance to me were
the ones focusing on the inborn trait of honey bees to home. Those studies I offer now. First, Penn State entomologist D. Cox-Foster,
PhD, says there are “more pathogens than she’s ever seen before in honey bees. She sees possibilities that include
pesticides and GMO crops. “ Dr. D
Sherman, Plant Pathologist, Senior Scientist in the Food and Environment
Program, in evaluating genetically modified crops says, “it’s hard to know what
the implications are for bees, but one of the two main genetically engineered
crops and the one most widely planted in the U.S. and around the world are
herbicide-tolerant crops – especially herbicide-tolerant soybeans. At least half of the soybeans in the U.S. are
resistant to a particular type of pesticide called glyphosate. The trade name of the most common type is
called Roundup.”
Jerry Hayes, Florida Dept. of Agriculture, addresses the
loss of the homing instinct of the honey bees; “the interesting thing about the
Colony Collapse Disorder is that bees are leaving the colony and not coming
back, which is highly unusual for a social insect to leave a queen and its
brood or young behind. They are
seemingly going out and can’t find their way back home. Imidachloprid (my note - I found this to be what’s used in Advantage Flea and Tick
medication) when it is used to control termites, does exactly the same
thing. One of the methods it uses to
kill termites is that the termites feed on this material and then go out to
feed and can’t remember how to get home.
And it also causes their immune systems to collapse, causing what would
be normal organisms to become pathogenic in them (bees). “
This causes me to believe that the major reason the
number of losses we are experiencing is due to the feed rather than the hawks,
cell towers, and etc. The research
findings that the bees simply couldn’t find their way back home is something we
should consider if we continue to feed our pigeons the GMO altered feed. Rather than dismiss this finding, I continued
to investigate what GMOs are capable of damaging.
The concern about the
dangers of GMOs surfaced in 1992. The
government had a person in charge of policy at the FDA who would decide whether
or not foods had to be labeled as being genetically modified (GMOs) and whether
or not those foods needed to be tested for possible health risk links. The FDA said it “wasn’t aware of any
information showing that genetically modified foods were any different and
therefore no testing and no labeling were required” (Smith). The person in the FDA who made that
determination was Michael Taylor. He is
now the U.S. Food Safety Czar.
There are numerous countries who ban GMOs, such as
Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Thailand, Madeira,
South Australia, Japan, India, New Zealand, Germany (a ban on corn), and
Russia also bans GMOs.
In fact, in a news release from rt.com/news dated January 7, 2014,
“Russian scientists are calling for a 10-year moratorium on GMOs to thoroughly
study their influence on human health, stressing that such examinations are
vital.” According to Russia’s Vice
President of National Association for Genetic Safety, Irina Ermakova, in a
report to Interfax New Agency, “it has been proven that not only in Russia, but
also in many other countries in the world, GMO is dangerous. Methods of obtaining the GMO are not perfect,
therefore, at this stage, all GMOs are dangerous. Consumption and use of GMOs obtained in such
way can lead to tumors, cancers and obesity among animals.”
Reported in the Los Angeles Times, December 27, 2013,
“China rejects shipments of genetically modified corn” reads the headline. The article goes on to state, “China rejected
two shipments – almost 546,000 tons – of U.S. dried distiller’s grain, a corn
byproduct, because it contained genetically modified material. The first shipment 545,000 tons, was rejected
last week in Shanghai, the second shipment, 758 tons, was rejected Monday. Chinese authorities said the shipments have
been returned and are urging American officials to improve their inspection
procedures to ensure they comply with Chinese quality standards”.
Reuters reports September 11, 2013, that “agriculture
officials in Washington are testing samples of alfalfa after a farmer reported
his hay was rejected for export because it tested positive for a genetically
modified trait. Biotech alfalfa is
approved for commercial production in the United States, but many foreign and
domestic buyers require that supplies not be genetically modified, and the
possible presence of GMO modified alfalfa in export supplies could result in lost
sales for U.S. farmers. Just this
summer, Japan and South Korea stopped buying some U.S. wheat because GMO was
found in the shipment.
Countries are paying attention to our GMO development and
they are not convinced of the safety of the products, are we paying attention
to the GMO development and the lack of safety for our birds?
I want to begin with an older article from June 2007 from
The Organic & Non-GMO Report. In
this article a farmer, Paul Keiser, from Marne, Michigan, who breeds chickens
and ducks, suspected GM corn may have caused illnesses in his chickens. Keiser says, “my chickens weren’t functioning
the way they had previously. They were
falling, not setting on eggs adequately and not caring for their chicks.” The article goes on to say that Keiser
overheard a farmer at a local market say that the bags of corn he was buying
for feed that were supposed to be non-GMO could actually be genetically
modified corn. Keiser decided to find
out whether or not his corn was GMO. He
bought corn from his supplier and sent in a 6.5lb. sample to Genetic ID, an
Iowa-based GMO testing lab. Keiser says
a representative from Genetic ID told him “the GMO level could have been as
high as 50% in his corn.” Keiser
continues to test his corn and is “concerned about problems caused by modern
agricultural practices. The whole food supply
is threatened, and GMOs are one of the threats.
Agricultural chemicals are killing soils and a lot of farmland is
becoming desert.” The feed mill owner
was buying corn from several farms and mixing it together with the result being
feed that was GMO compromised. Now
Kaiser buys his corn from a certified organic corn distributor in his area.
According to the Soil Association, 2013, “Food from
GM-fed animals is not labeled, you cannot avoid it unless you choose organic
produce”. So, unless farmers know the
source of their feed, the chance that they are purchasing GM feed is highly
A article dated December 28, 2013, on www.nongmoreport.com reports that there is
a “growing demand for non-GMO corn and soybeans” which is creating
opportunities for farmers to make money.
Kade McBroom, a fourth generation farmer in Quilin, Missouri, wants to
build a non-GMO soybean processing plant in his area. “McBroom, who is 26, farms about 3200 acres
with his father, growing rice, corn, soybeans and a small amount of wheat. He wants to build the facility to process
non-GMO soybean meal for animal feed.”
Asked about glyphosate, he says “using Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO
soybeans is being rendered ineffective by herbicide resistant weeds, glyphosate
is a useless chemical; it will kill grass but not weeds.” He says he already has a potential buyer for
his non-GMO soybean oil, North Carolina-based Whole Harvest.
Another farmer, James Frantzen, 25, and his father are
well-known and respected organic hog farmers in Iowa. James has his own farm in Elma, Iowa, where
he grows organic corn, soybeans, small grains such as wheat and oats, hay, and
pasture and raises organic beef, cows and hogs.
James says “ there is a strong demand for non-GMO feed for hogs, beef,
dairy cows and poultry. He says that he
has “gotten calls from large hog operations that want non-GMO feed because GMO
feed is causing reproductive problems in their hogs.” James says “I’m at the right place at the
right time” in reference to Whole Foods Market announcing that foods sold in
its stores containing genetically modified ingredients would require labels by
Farmers are witnessing the devastation caused by the GM
crops and what the GM crops are doing to animals. Now it’s time we pay attention to the
devastation they present to our birds as our pigeons are consuming these
With the introduction of GMOs into our food chain, and
the increased use of them alongside of insecticides and herbicides, there is an
increase in diseases. On the GMO-awareness site I found the following problems have increased along with the
increased sale and distribution and use of GMOs: food allergies, Type 2 Diabetes, and
The Academy of Environmental Medicine concluded that
“studies in animals have shown that there is at last a causal relationship
between GM foods and infertility, faster aging, poor insulin regulation,
changes to major organs and the gastrointestinal system, immune problems such
as asthma, allergies and inflammation”.
This last study was an eye-opener, to realize that the GM
genes that have been spliced into our foods stay inside of us and continue to
function. The studies were done by Genetic
Science Review, World Journal of Gastoenterology, and the Journal of Dairy
Science, dated 1994, 1997, 2001, 2001, 2002 and 2003. “The only published human feeding experiment
verified that genetic material inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of
intestinal bacteria and continues to function.
This means that long after we stop eating GM foods, we may still have
their GM proteins produced continuously inside us. If the antibiotic gene inserted into most GM
crops were to transfer, it would create super diseases, resistant to
antibiotics. If the gene that creates
Bt-toxin in GM corn were to transfer, it might turn our intestinal flora into
living pesticide factories. Animal
studies show that DNA in food can travel into organs throughout the body, even
into the fetus.”
This means that if our pigeons eat the feed that has been
modified, the genes within the grains will stay active and can affect their
offspring. I know we have had pigeons
die for apparently “no reason” and couldn’t attribute their death to anything
in particular. Knowing that organisms
within the bird could have been present from GM grain, it may offer an
explanation for the deaths.
When I called feed stores I found that there is a heavy
demand for non-GMO feed for cattle, goats, sheep, and poultry. No one is asking
for non-GMO pigeon feed. It could be
because there have been no studies done specifically with pigeons (that I could
find anyway) to call our attention to the health problems created by the
GMOs. It could be that we have the
thought that we’ve feed them what they are getting now for years and if it
worked then, it should work now. But, we
know that the feed is not the same as it was years ago, it is now
modified. The DNA in the feed changes
the DNA in us and in our birds. I truly
believe that the more we know about what we are feeding our pigeons the
interest will increase and as the feed stores owners tell me, they “can’t keep
up with the demand for organic and non-GMO grains for other animals and
poultry.” They tell me the growth is 10
fold in just this past year as more and more people become aware of the dangers
of GM feed. It will take time for the
change to non-GMO feed. History tells me
that many things take time to change. For
example, though it took time, we now know the benefits of sunscreen, dangers of
smoking and the dangers of second-hand smoke.
The eating of GMO foods is something that may seem new,
and basically it is. GMOs were
introduced to us by Monsanto around 1996.
As with the few other things I just mentioned like sunscreen it takes
years to realize there’s a danger there.
It is a mere 20 years that GMOs have entered our lives. The affects of eating these foods still
haven’t been researched. On the other
hand, it is estimated that most of us would like our food labeled so we know
whether or not it is GMO or non-GMO so we can make the choice.
In a LA Times article, January 6, 2014, General Mills
announced that Cheerios will no longer be Genetically Modified. The change came about from an overwhelming
plea by parents to General Mills to eliminate GMO from the cereal. At Trader Joe’s you find signs throughout the
store proclaiming “non GMOs sold here.” Ben
& Jerry’s announced in June, 2013, (money.msn.com) that they “would
eliminate GMOs from their products and label all products so consumers would
know what is in them”. Because the Ben
& Jerry’s flavors can include up to 40 ingredients, finding replacements
for the GMO ones will take some time.
So, they pledge to complete the process in 2014.
When you buy produce, there is a sticker on the fruit or
vegetable. This PLU code will tell you
what you are buying. Conventionally
grown fruit consists of four numbers; organically grown fruit has five numbers
prefaced by the number 9; and GM fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number
8. If you buy organic products (five numbers
prefaced by the number 9), by definition you are buying food that is certified
organic and is free of all GM organisms.
You can stay away from products that most likely are GM:
corn, soybeans, canola, cottonseed, sugar beets, alfalfa, papaya (from Hawaii
and China), some zucchini and yellow zucchini. Other crops to be wary of are rice,
tomatoes, dairy products, potatoes, and peas.
You can start buying organic. Buying organic, according to The Cultivator, the Cornucopia Institute,
Spring, 2013, means “avoiding genetically engineered organisms,
solvent-extracted ingredients, synthetic growth hormones, and other potential
hazards to health. Whenever possible
choose organic, especially these foods:
berries, leafy greens, cereals, milk, orange juice, apples and apple
juice, bread and baked goods, potatoes, grapes, meat and poultry.”
The website www.nongmoproject.org
provides all products that are non-GMO by brand name and is very helpful as a reference
when shopping. It gives everything from
vitamins and supplements to body care, to beverages to feed and seeds. (If you don’t have ready access to a
computer, your local library provides free use of one.)
Start by investigating the feed you give to your
birds. Is it organic, is it non-GMO,
does your feed store carry either, would they be willing to stock it if say
your whole club asked for it? If you
can’t find something local, see if there is a supplier nearby that you can use. Start keeping track of any changes you have
noticed over time with your birds on GMO feed.
Then if you are able to switch over, keep track of those changes too. While you’re at it, you can investigate other
products you are using with your pigeons to see if there are harmful herbicides
in them that may be dangerous to your pigeons’ health. We did this and found a product we were using
for the birds bath water to be very toxic and have switched to using apple cider
vinegar in the bath water. The birds
like it, and we are getting the same results.
Lastly, read and do your own research and see what you
find about GMOs and if it is something that you’d like to eliminate from use
for your family and your birds and pets.
Since no research that I could find has been done with GMO feed and the
pigeon, I would think this is uncharted territory for flyers to enter. My hypothesis is that some changes will be
noticed quickly, and some changes will occur over a longer period of time. I will let you know as we will be keeping
record of the change over to non-GMOs.
From this Chick’s Point of View, pigeon flyers are the
next frontier in joining the fight to eradicate GMOs from the market
place. It is up to us to have our feed
suppliers start carrying non-GMO products.
Not only are we what we eat, but our pigeons are what because of what they
eat too. It will be interesting for us
to see if there are any changes in our birds once they are on their new non-GMO
diet. Of particular interest will be to
see whether or not the homing instinct will be affected, and whether or not the
losses will stay the same, increase or decrease. If we see a decline in the performance of our
pigeons, or discover some type of problem with them, we won’t necessarily medicate
more or give more supplements. Now, we will first look at what we are feeding
our birds, It will be good to be able to
cut down on the shots, medication and supplements and go back to the basics as
mentioned in The Pigeon where the
health of the bird is largely determined by the loft conditions, breeding and
feed. The over-all health and homing
instincts of our pigeons may be at risk if we continue to feed them genetically
modified food. I believe it is worth it
to see if non-GMO feed will make a difference.
I believe our birds are what they are because of what they eat.
Do you agree?
Do you agree?
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