* Company investing heavily in conventional seed business
* $150 mln earmarked for first seed plant in Ukraine
By Charlie Dunmore
BRUSSELS, July 18 (Reuters) - Monsanto said on Thursday it
would invest heavily in its European seed business in the coming years in order
to boost sales of its other products after it abandoned development of
genetically modified crops in the European Union. The company is already investing $300 million expanding its
existing seed production facilities in France, Romania, Hungary and Turkey, and
has plans to spend "several hundred million dollars" more over the
next five years.
The bulk of that future investment is destined for Ukraine,
where Monsanto expects to have its largest seed production plant in Europe
within five years after earmarking an initial $150 million investment, which
could rise to $300 million within several years.
Ukraine is a major global grain producer and is forecast to
export 14.5 million tonnes of maize this year. The country currently imports
around half of the seed it needs to produce its annual maize crop, but Monsanto
said its plant would reduce that dependence by about a fifth.
Monsanto Has No Credibility
First of all, will the seeds truly be conventional seeds that have not been modified by genetic engineering in any way?
Secondly, even if they are not GMO seeds, will Monsanto claim a patent on their brand of seeds? Will they then expect royalties if it can be proven that seeds from the first crop are used for successive crops? Will they expect farmers - private and industrial - to pay if "their" patented seeds are found anywhere on the continent due to genetic drift or any form of cross pollination?
Read about Monsanto and Bt Cotton in India and the devastation that occurred from doing business with these monsters.
India Cheers While Monsanto Burns
The evil seed dealer pedaled Bt Bollgard Cotton to the regions of India that had produced cotton for hundreds of years by tried and true agro-practices. They promised better yields, better cotton - better whatever so they could sell their product. Their Bt seeds cost 5 times more than conventional seeds.
However, though the Bt Cotton protected the plants against one pest, it could not protect them against severe droughts and monsoon floods. Farmers went in debt to buy the "magic seeds" only to go more deeply in depth than they had ever been. Hundreds of farmers committed suicide because of their debt and the loss of hope that came with Monsanto's lies about Bt cotton. These farmers would drink a jar of RoundUp and die brutal and painful deaths.
Read about how GE soybeans took over farmland and ruined small farmers in South America.
GMO soy bringing poverty, poor health to South America
Monsanto came in with its "magic seeds" - GE soybeans. Large factory farms cultivated the industrial GE seeds. They have spread like wildfire on the South American winds and are everywhere. They have taken over thousands of acres of land and they deplete the soil. Even worse, "mosquitoes" - large chemical-spraying machines, douse the fields with RoundUp and other herbicides and pesticides. The owners of these fields live no where near these farmlands. The locals shut themselves in their houses during the flyby sprays but those who have been caught outside are drenched in chemicals and usually die. GM Soy? Responsible? Sustainable?
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