Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Birds and the Bees in a Toxic World

The cycles and rhythms of nature have existed since the beginning of life on earth.  They work in accordance with natural laws.  Change is part of the process but it happens gradually because divine intelligence knows that each evolutionary change does not happen in a vacuum, but within an entire ecological system. Each change affects all the others in its environmental collective and life endures in the most astonishing manner for the highest good of all.  These natural changes begin in the DNA.
But then mankind entered the equation.  When man possesses and works with divine intelligence, he is a good steward of the earth.  In this state, he watches and learns and flows in a natural harmony with nature. 
But modern man has become restless, impatient and discontented with the natural laws of the universe.  He wants to know everything there is to know but then he oversteps the boundaries of his own limitations.  In his pride and ego, he leaps into dangerous and unknown territory.  He knows more than he did at one time, but not everything.  He is doomed to learn from his mistakes the hard way.
This blogspot focuses on Monsanto but it applies to other toxic chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers as well.  Monsanto rushed to obtain knowledge about how to manipulate DNA to create plants and animals that would do what they wanted them to do and they wanted it NOW.  Their motive wasn’t driven by “for the highest good of all” but rather, for the highest amount of money they could acquire.  And if it cost people their livelihoods, their health, their children’s health and their lives, oh well, that’s just business. 
Due the immense wealth Big Pharma and Big Pharming have acquired, they can influence governments, administrative agencies and the media with their propaganda, motives and unethical agendas.  The mainstream press can’t  seem to figure out the mysteries of massive honeybee, bird, monarch butterfly or ocean life die-offs.   The true facts behind these stories are suppressed for the most part and the general public is left in the dark.

Honeybees and Colony Collapse Disorder
When this story first broke, the mainstream news offered a great deal of sensationalism but no real answers to this problem.  It was a mystery and there was much speculation.  However, the reason was simple.  Pesticide products and GE plants with herbicides and pesticides inserted into their DNA had unforeseen consequences.  Pesticide products containing the active ingredients clothianidin and thiamethoxan are among the culprits and using them is in violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) of the Endangered Species Act and the Administrative Procedure Act.
The two chemicals, clothianidin and thiamethoxan, are known as neonicotinoids and have been shown to negatively impact the growth, survival and health of honey bees AND other pollinators.  They are harmful to other animals as well.  Over two million pounds of the two chemicals were used annually on more than 100 million acres containing dozens of different plant crops because of an experiment conducted by the EPA.  The EPA approved these pesticide registrations without placing a notice in the Federal Register calling for public comment.
Pollinators include 200,000 different species that help plants thrive and reproduce.  Pollinators include bees, birds, bats and insects.  Honey bees play a major part in pollinating crops in the U.S. Commercial agriculture pays beekeepers to set up hives by their farmland during bloom time.  It was alarming when a third of the nations’ managed honey bee colonies died off in 2006.  This phenomenon is now known as Colony Collapse Disorder.
Imagine our country without these pollinators.  Production of crops would decline, prices would go up and eventually there would not be enough fruits and vegetables for everyone.  Guess what?  Monsanto is currently working on a GE honey bee.  They claim they want to help save the bee populations but Monsanto has next to zero credibility, so don’t you believe it.  Think about it.   In the world, according to Monsanto, there would be only GE crops and foods processed with those crops.  Who needs honey when they can produce vats of high fructose corn syrup from Bt Corn?   Monsanto will continue to grow richer of the disease and death they cause.
Now there is a bill before Congress where you can make your voices heard.  Write your senators and representatives to voice your concerns.

Monarch Butterflies
Toxic Bt Corn can kill monarchs.  John E. Losey and two fellow researchers made the scientific discovery.  In laboratory tests, they dusted Bt corn pollen onto milkweed leaves and then gave the leaves to Monarch caterpillars to eat. Additional caterpillars were fed on leaves dusted with conventional corn pollen or leaves without pollen. The caterpillars eating leaves dusted with Bt pollen ate less and grew more slowly. Over four days, nearly half of the caterpillars on Bt-dusted leaves died while no caterpillars died in the other two groups. Five replications of the treatments provided enough data to indicate that the results were statistically significant.
Six teams of researchers published their results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the fall of 2001 (Hellmich et al., 2001; Oberhauser et al., 2001; Pleasants et al., 2001; Sears et al., 2001; Stanley-Horn et al., 2001; Zangerl et al., 2001). According to these reports, Bt 176 the transgenic component in one kind of Bt corn, produces pollen that is highly toxic to Monarch larvae and to other butterfly species such as the black swallowtail.
Bt corn pollen can easily be dispersed by the wind onto milkweed plants which is the monarch’s main food.   It is quite simple, really.
        By the way, Bacillus thuringiensis (or Bt) is a gram-positive, soil-dwelling bacterium. The Cry1Ab protein is the most toxic part of Bt and it can cause kidney disease in humans in very small amounts.
To this day, the die off of monarchs due to Bt Corn pollen is debated.  However, keep in mind as you research this issue for yourself, that Monsanto donates millions to universities, private laboratories and even medical schools.  They actively promote their questionable and biased findings and many people still believe them. Some of their research has been exposed as fraud in the past and present but those who do so pay a high price. Scientists’ livelihoods are at stake and those who have openly shared their findings often lose their jobs and find themselves the targets of Monsanto smear campaigns. Anti-Monsanto research grants are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain.

Bird Die-Offs
Remember the speculation about all the dead birds found in January 2011 in South Dakota.  The USDA finally stepped up and admitted to using DRC-1339 also known as Starlicide manufactured by Ralston-Purina in St. Louis, Missouri.  They told the press they had sprayed a private Nebraska feed lot that was plagued by starlings with DRC-1339.  This poison is registered in the U.S. for application to feedlots. 
This bird kill was part of a program named “Bye Bye Blackbird” that had killed over 4 million birds as of that date.   Our tax dollars were used to kill these birds.  We are told that Starlicide will not harm people or pets.  I suppose their disclaimer includes cattle and other feedlot animals.  However, it is recommended that handlers of the toxin use gloves and have no skin contact with the avicide.  It stands to reason that the birds will not eat every pellet that is thrown down and that some of the poison will remain mixed in the feed which will be eaten by feedlot animals, which will be sold for human consumption. 
The manufacturer claims it is slow-acting and painless to the birds and animals as they die from a buildup of uric acid in the blood.  Even though they can die without convulsions or spasms, death results from overall circulatory impairment in the liver and kidney and by congestion of the major organs. The birds and animals grow listless and comatose before death.  That sounds like suffering to me.
The poison is used on both birds and mammals and they will excrete the poison completely in a matter of hours contaminating the area where this occurs.   The manufacturer claims that since its metabolites are excreted while birds are still alive, there is no secondary toxicity to scavengers. Yet, on the link to Pesticide Information for this product, there is a question mark by carcinogen, reproductive toxin and endocrine disruptor.  Even though these are unknown, the USDA uses untold gallons of the toxin.

There were many news reports of mass animal deaths during this time. They were not all in the USA.
This map which was created on January 15, 2011, tracks the massive animal deaths that had occurred worldwide during that time frame. 
And the Die-Offs Continue to this Day
All of these poisons and toxins leech into groundwater and runoff into streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean.  Nitrogen levels in the water increase while oxygen decreases.  A vast amount of poisonous residues also enter into our food sources and into our bodies with the same effect.

Human Fertility and Roundup

Roundup and other glyphosate based herbicides (Lasso, Accord, Rodeo, Touchdown and many other names) have been found in a recent study to be a powerful endocrine disruptor.  This study focused on Sertoli cells which support healthy sperm in the testicles.  These are required for normal male sexual development.  When exposed to low doses of Roundup,  intracellular calcium in cells increases which leads to cell death.  Roundup is definitely an endocrine disruptor.   
Roundup is found in GE and GMO food as well as from the residue of Roundup that is sprayed on these crops.Roundup will reduce glutathione levels in the body.  Glutathione is the master antioxidant that detoxifies cells and neutralizes free radicals. When glutathione is altered, adverse effects will follow.
For more information go to The National Institute of Health webpage  and search for “glyphosate”, "glutathione", "endocrine disruptors", etc.
Another toxic chemical that affects men’s hormonal health is Bisphenol-A (BPA) that was originally developed as an estrogen replacement.  BPA is used in making all kinds of plastics including PVC, dental fillings, epoxies, dental fillings and a long list of other products.  BPA is used in food cans and other food containers like Tupperware, sports drink cups, sippy cups and baby bottles.
All Americans have toxins in their body.
BPA exposure in pregnant women can lead to behavioral problems in toddlers. Young boys can have lowered thyroid function.  Both boys and girls exposed to higher BPA concentrations as a fetus or during early childhood are more likely to suffer from anxiety, aggression, depression and hyperactivity.
Phthalates are a chemical used to soften PVC and make it durable and flexible.  They are found in products too numerous to mention.  Unlike the xenoestrogens in BPA, phthalates are anti-androgens that block the body from producing testosterone.  Parabens also act as an anti-androgen in men.  When these are combined with xenoestrogens in the environment, strange things happen like male fish that grow eggs in their testes.

Studies now show that these chemicals cause physical feminization in human male infants. 
Xenoestrogens in women cause weight gain, reproduction cancers, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, breast tumors, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal gland fatigue, chronic fatigue, migraines, autoimmune disorders, fertility problems, miscarriages, infertility, anxiety and panic attacks, heavy periods, insomnia, depression, osteoporosis and  high blood pressure.  They can certainly wreak havoc during the menopausal years when stores of pollutants from many years of deposit or exposure can be activated. The same holds true for hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation.  The toxins can transfer across the placenta to a growing fetus and they can show up in breast milk that will passed on to infants.

These are but a few of the scientific studies that demonstrate how our toxic society is changing life as we know it on earth.
Marching lockstep with the Worldwide Chemical Industry and Food Biotech Corporations is Big Pharma.  They develop drugs for each of these conditions but those drugs carry their own risks of serious side effects and can often make a symptom worse than it was before.  The earth and all its creatures are becoming sterile and dead all because man has imposed his will upon nature.

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